Thursday, May 10, 2007

Seifenblasen... / Soap bubbles...

...eine Faszination für jedes Kind. Diese schwebenden, bunten Flugobjekte machen jedes Kind auf sich aufmerksam.
Den Schnappschuss von Ronja habe ich am Wochenende auf der Veranstaltung vom "Kinderzirkus Internationale" gemacht.

... a fascination for any child. Those floating, colourful flighing objects take the attention of each child.
I took this snapshot of Ronja last weekend at an event of "Kinderzirkus Internationale".


  1. Beautiful picture!! It looks like you guys are always somewhere...doing fun stuff, huh!
    take it easy

  2. Very nice Romy! So cute! Goldig!

  3. thank you, it was a coincidence though...:-) the polar bears have nothing to do with the blue ... have a splendid evening and tell ro I said hi!

  4. What a cool picture! ro is so cute!!

  5. Kids love bubbles and especially these BIG ones!!
    Great photo!
