Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Street music in Prague

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Dies ist ein toller Straßenmusiker, den ich in Prag traf. Er macht Musik mit Gläsern, die unterschiedlich mit Wasser gefüllt sind. Jedes Glas stellt eine Note dar. Ich finde das genial.

This is a great street musician I met in Prague. He makes music with glasses that are differently filled with water. Each glass represents a music note. I think that is great.


  1. wow, now u r not only a blogger, but a vlogger (combination of blogging and video). congratulation gurl and welcome to the beautiful world of web 2.0

  2. That is so awsome1 I even recognized the piece he was playing. Für Elise I love playing that on piano! I could sit and watch him for hours! Thanks for sharing!
