Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What will it be like. . . ?

. . . to have our own car??? We'll find out soon!

Unfortunately I cannot avoid being a car owner. My job is 15 km away from my house. An apartment closer to where I work was impossible to find. Not even my bike could help me. Therefor I am now driving a car around. I already experienced the major expense of registration and insurrance. But I also feel more independent as a benefit of the car. Anyway -- RO and ro are having a car now.


  1. Congrats! Ja ein Auto schluckt viel Geld..mehr als man meint!

  2. i loooove your the moment i am struggeling with life. and it is hard for me to keep in touch with you. but i keep checking your page and it lifts my spirits - thank you!
    timea :) *schulter*
