Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Walking Globe/Laufkugel

Photo taken by Zirkus Weißensee

I remember when I started juggling. I was about 16 years old. I was crazy about learning it. So I took every opportunity to juggle -- mostly with my rolled-up socks until I got my first juggling balls.
Now, after four years of being on earth the Magic of Circus has caught Little ro! I took her several times to my circus workshops so she had the chance to get to know RO's circus world. The walking globes have caught her attention most and within days she learned how to walk on them. Now every time we see a globe she has to take the opportunity to keep practising her new circus element. That reminds me of how it started with me. I am just wondering when I have to buy the first walking globe. So in a way I hope she switches to juggling. . .


  1. thats so cool! I can't do that!

  2. Wow...du bist aber auch so talentiert und artistisch! Klasse fuer Ronja eine solch tolle Mama zu haben!
