Thursday, May 7, 2009

An adventures day

Have you ever been to a "High-Wire-Garden"??? Well, we have. My sister and I gave our dad for his Birthday a gift certificate for him and his family to experience this adventure.
I can only recommend that -- it was so much fun. You have to imagine being high up on a platform in a tree (of course you are saved to a rope). You look over to the other tree, and then . . . JUMP . . . just like Tarzan hanging on a rope. You climb from tree to tree and there are always different possibilities to get there. ro and I were totally in our elements as you can see.


  1. What a wonderful day and to have the kid along... I remember taking my five year old daughter rock climbing and she was like a mountain goat getting up the wall. Fond memories :)

  2. Wow that looks cool! Unfortunately I'm afraid of heights so I probably wouldn't like it...but watching from the ground looks like fun! :D

  3. Das sieht ja klasse aus! Genau richtig fuer Euch!!

  4. Woww, I love how you guys do so many things together especially at her age, she's not afraid of anything!! I would be too scared to do it, thats for sure. :D
