. . . a place where people are happy.
. . . where you can live your dream.
. . . where there is action in the air.
. . . where the world still works with people sharing and being fair to each other.
. . . a world that is not black or white, but colorful.
. . . that's where I was the past week!!!!
I teach a circus class every friday for two hours. And with these kids I went to southwest Germany to participate at a social circus festival. It was a big event -- 300 kids and 50 circus trainers worked one whole week on a show.
I don't get paid with money for what I was doing there the past week. But when the kids stand in the middle of the stage surrounded by the colorful lights of the circus and when suddenly the spot light shines down on them a dream comes true -- they look at me and there is this special spark and endless pride in their eyes -- that is my payment!!!
If I can somehow pull this thing off and survive financially with a circus for and with kids
. . . that's how I want to get paid for the rest of my life. That means fulfillment for me.