Our second home is in Old Greenwich/Stamford, USA. For three weeks we enjoyed wonderful people, lot's of music, sea food, hot sun, blue water, Ben&Jerry's ice cream, deck parties, family feeling, squirrels, home made Japanese cuisine, Woodstock/Bethel, roller coasters, blueberries, and mainly friends.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Three weeks of fun!
Our second home is in Old Greenwich/Stamford, USA. For three weeks we enjoyed wonderful people, lot's of music, sea food, hot sun, blue water, Ben&Jerry's ice cream, deck parties, family feeling, squirrels, home made Japanese cuisine, Woodstock/Bethel, roller coasters, blueberries, and mainly friends.
A little update
Wow, it's been a loooong time since I have posted last. Four months have passed . . . and we are doing great. In the meantime I have successfully completed the project in Neuhausen, slept three weeks with ro on our balkony -- due to perfectly star-clear summernights and exciting thunderstorms, have had a car accident with a deer :-(, moved out, and enjoyed three weeks in CT.
And at the moment I am in "Nowhere-Land". I am done with the "old" life, but have not arrived in the "new" life yet. A special situation, which gives you a lot of time to get ready for the jump. Yes, we are jumping again!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
An adventures day
Have you ever been to a "High-Wire-Garden"??? Well, we have. My sister and I gave our dad for his Birthday a gift certificate for him and his family to experience this adventure.
I can only recommend that -- it was so much fun. You have to imagine being high up on a platform in a tree (of course you are saved to a rope). You look over to the other tree, and then . . . JUMP . . . just like Tarzan hanging on a rope. You climb from tree to tree and there are always different possibilities to get there. ro and I were totally in our elements as you can see.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Summer feelin'
We had a wonderful Easter -- For the last three weeks we have had temperatures between 70 and 75° Fahrenheit. The cleaned up balkony with it's little table, the first herbs and colourful hammock seems huge and inviting at these temperatures. Meanwhile the vegetation is all green, flowers are in colours, people are in their best moods, and the farm animals around us have babies.
I took a few days off to spend some time with the people I love. In the short time of a few days I have been very active -- we did horseback riding and biking in Brandenburg, canoeing in Spreewald, and rock climbing at the Elbsandsteingebirge.
. . . couldn't have gotten more out of this summer weather!
Monday, March 16, 2009

Ich glaube ich habe meinen Ausgleich zur täglichen Mutter- und Sozialarbeiter Rolle gefunden. Auf dem Rücken eines Pferdes kann ich einfach nur ich selbst sein. Das ist genau so wichtig.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Fasching/ Mardi Gras
Hallo! Darf ich mich vorstellen . . . ich bin der Seeräuber und mache Jagd auf jedes Gummibärchen. Also her damit, sonst geht's euch mit meinen zwei Säbeln an den Kragen!
Hello! May I introduce myself to you . . . I am a pirate and I go hunting for gummy bears. So, give me your gummy bears! Otherwise you are in for it now!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Juggling Convention in Dresden, Germany
The gym was built into the ground. When we came in the main entrance, we found ourselfs already on the first floor. Straight ahead was a huge window from where you can look down into the hall. We came in and automatically saw this enourmious glas front, which gave us the first impression -- hundreds of juggling clubs, - balls, and - rings flying through the air. It looked amazing!
Last weekend nearly hundred jugglers got together in Dresden, which is known as one of the most beautiful cities in Germany. Of course Ro&ro in the midst of it all !!!
ro walked on walking globes and on a rope. But most of the time she was busy with her new friend she found. I took advantage and tried to find new juggling tricks I could use and teach my students.
Die Halle war in den Boden hineingebaut. Als wir in durch den Haupteingang hinein kamen, satnden wir bereits im ersten Stock. Direkt vor uns erstreckte sich ein riesiges Fenster, durch welches man hinunter in die Halle blicken konnte. Wir traten also ein und sahen automatisch diese reisen grosse Glasfront vor uns, welche uns den ersten Eindruck verlieh -- Hunderte von Jonglierbällen, -keulen und -ringen flogen durch die Luft. Es sah einfach genial aus!
Letztes Wochenende trafen fast 100 Jongleure in Dresden, eine als der schönsten Städte Deutschlands bekannt, zusammen. Natürlich waren RO&ro mittendrin !!!
ro lief übers Seil und auf Laufkugeln. Aber den grössten Teil der Zeit verbrachte sie mit ihrem neuen Freund, den sie da kennen lernte. Die ganze Halle machten die Beiden unsicher. . .
Ich nutzte die Gelegenheit aus und versuchte neue Tricks zu ergattern, welche ich in meinem Projekt nutzen und den Teilnehmern beibringen könnte.
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